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Mass Latino population will soon hit 15 percent
The Massachusetts Latino population is projected to reach 1.15 million in 2035, up from 757,000 in 2015, according to a study released last week by the Mauricio Gaston Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy. By 2035, Latinos are expected to account for 15 percent of the state’s population.
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ACLU digs into BPD ICE task force
The ACLU filed a public records request last week with the BPD regarding the March 2017 arrest by ICE of Jose Martin Paz Flores, a construction worker at Tara Construction, Inc. after he was injured on the job and filed for workers’ compensation.
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Equity ownership matters in Dudley
In October, the city of Boston announced that all developers building on city-owned land would be subject to strict guidelines on diversity to ensure that they are including people of color and women in building projects, from jobs to equity ownership.
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MBTA opens Mattapan commuter rail station
For years, trains on the Fairmount Line passed by Mattapan Square, speeding commuters to South Station while bypassing the busy commercial district.
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Rollins: Panel to investigate police shooting
Rollins’ appointment of the four-person panel marks the first time a Boston police shooting will be investigated by a panel independent of the police or district attorney’s office. Rollins pledged to conduct independent investigations of police-involved shootings while campaigning for office last year.
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Toward a more enlightened health care policy
One of the most outstanding achievements of Barack Obama’s tenure as president was the political battle to enact the Affordable Care Act. Despite the continued hostility from the conservatives who derisively referred to the ACA as Obamacare, 20 million Americans without health insurance became enrolled.
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Trump will likely serve out his term
From the moment Trump set foot in the White House the mantra of much of the media, many Democrats, and Trump loathers of all stripes, is that he likely will not finish his term.
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President of Cambridge College has been inducted into the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s Academy of Distinguished Bostonians. Jackson joins an accomplished group of Academy members, including business leaders, philanthropists, local and national elected officials, cultural dignitaries, and sports greats.
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“I don’t feel that it’s a big deal. Every state has to raise fares according to what they need in their public transit system. It’s ok as long as people can afford to use it.”.
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Roxbury scouts learn important life lessons
On a clear, chilly Friday afternoon a group of adolescent boys from the Orchard Gardens K–8 Pilot School trudge through layers of ice and snow along a worn hiking trail. Along the way, they pause to analyze animal tracks, ponder good places to setup camp, and start snowball skirmishes.
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Blackstone students protest BPS budget
At a Boston Public Schools budget hearing last week, during which district officials outlined the Walsh administration’s proposed school budget of $1.139 billion for FY20, students and teachers from the Blackstone Innovation School staged a demonstration demanding an additional $20 million to be added to the budget to improve quality of education.
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Mattapan votes in new neighborhood council Ballots cast by 147 Mattapan residents shape new group
“What I hear continually from the organization is that they want to be really a resource for people so that they can go learn more about zoning, and not just come into meetings and be ill-informed, and really understand the process,” Holmes said. “I think that it is something that is very much needed in the neighborhood.
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NAACP brings 2020 convention to Boston
“As the oldest Branch in the NAACP, the Boston Branch has a long and impactful legacy in the fight for racial justice,” the leaders of the Boston Branch said in a statement. “Given of our engagement in this fight, we know that 2020 will be a pivotal year for our country.
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House Chair Waters leads charge to return consumer protection to CFPB
On March 7, the House Financial Services Committee hearing, chaired by Congresswoman Maxine Waters marked the first time that the new director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) appeared for a hearing in this capacity.
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Eastern Bank’s Business Equity Initiative
PHOTO: DOTGIRLPHOTOS.COM Anthony Samuels (center) is one of the first 10 Participating Enterprises to participate in Eastern Bank’s Business Equity Initiative program and was recognized with the other first participants at the recent event.
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A salon for Muslim women
For some people, getting a haircut is a normal, regular task, checked off the to-do list without a second thought. However, for Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab, having their hair styled at a public salon poses a challenge to their faith..
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• Find your tax records. Your local taxing authority can give you a copy of the tax bill for your home. But you should also scrutinize the registration paperwork on your car, RV, boat or other movable assets, says Robert Kirby, a CPA at Munc CPA in Rohnert Park, California.
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Interview answers that drive employers crazy
Clichéd responses run rampant in interviews. David Waring, co-founder of Fit Small Business, a website that provides small business reviews and recommendations, says job seekers who respond with these clichéd answers to basic questions are most annoying:.
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The context of Kahlo
(top) Self-Portrait with Hummingbird and Thorn Necklace, 1940. Oil on canvas. Nickolas Muray Collection of Modern Mexican Art, Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin; © 2018 Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.
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Jazz vocalist living her best life
The powerhouse vocalist has traveled the globe sharing her music with audiences in England, France, Spain, Italy, China, Japan and the Netherlands, and is set to share her music with Boston audiences at the RISE Music Series on March 28 at 7 p.m. at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.
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Designing the Paris of South America
The exhibition is displayed to supplement an ongoing course at the university under the same name, but it provides the public with interesting insight into the design process and the differences between Argentine and international architects’ approaches.
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According to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Liverpool, children who viewed pictures of social media influencers with unhealthy foods ate 91 calories, on average, more than children who saw pictures of influencers without any food items or with healthy food items.
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Red sauce green sauce
The refugees blended in seamlessly with the strolling romancers, lounging elders and spandex-clad exercisers, and I assumed they were locals until I saw the green sauce they served alongside their empanadas. That sauce, called guasacaca, is a part of the Venezuelan identity that they could not leave behind.
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Esperanza spalding in Dorchester
Conservatory Lab Charter School welcomed Grammy-award winning jazz bassist and vocalist Esperanza Spalding for a special visit to one of its two Dorchester campuses. Conservatory Lab has an orchestra named in Esperanza’s honor, and 2nd-grade members of the Esperanza Spalding Orchestra showcased some of the compositions they are learning in class.
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