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Cheese Comment: Three cars of blocks were sold Monday, the last at $1.8600, which set the price. There was no block market activity whatsoever on Tuesday. Two cars of blocks were sold Wednesday, the last at $1.8725, which raised the price. There was no block market activity at all on Thursday. The barrel price fell Monday on an unfilled bid at $1.6250 (following a sale at $1.6175), then increased Wednesday on a sale at $1.6500.

Butter Comment: The price increased Tuesday on a sale at $2.1425, rose Wednesday on a sale at $2.1900, and jumped Thursday on a sale at $2.2500. 28 carloads of butter were traded this week at the CME.

Nonfat Dry Milk Comment: The price fell Tuesday on an unfilled bid at $1.6625 (following a sale at $1.6600), then increased Wednesday on a sale at $1.6700. There have been 48 carloads of NDM traded thusfar this month at the CME, including 13 this week.

Dry Whey Comment: The price declined Tuesday on an uncovered offer at 72.50 cents, rose Wednesday on a sale at 73.50 cents, and increased Thursday on a sale at 75.0 cents. There were two carloads of dry whey traded this week at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

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