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NDM - CENTRAL: Low/medium heat NDM prices were steady to higher, as the top of the mostly moved two cents higher. Trading was generally quiet. Some expect markets to remain subdued until the onset of the new calendar year. There is also simply very little NDM to offer on the spot market. Balancing plants have faced staffing shortages for a number of months.

NDM - WEST: Demand for low/medium heat NDM is steady in domestic markets.

International demand is present, with contacts reporting notable purchasing of low/medium heat NDM for export to Mexico. Market prices are steady to higher; Spot purchasers say that low/medium heat NDM inventories are tight. Production of low/medium heat NDM is steady, though some drying operations are, reportedly, running below capacity due to labor shortages.

High heat NDM prices fell 1 cent at the bottom of the range, while the top climbed 1 cent higher. Inventories of high heat NDM remain tight, though limited demand is present. Plant managers are focusing their time on the production of low/medium heat NDM and SMP, limiting high heat nonfat dry milk production.

NDM - EAST: Eastern trading was particularly scant this week. Trading, in general, has slowed since Thanksgiving, and some contacts do not expect a lot of spot market activity over the final weeks of the year. Production is somewhat active, but dry whole milk and buttermilk drying has shifted higher seasonally. Additionally, employee shortages remain at the forefront of balancing plant manager’s concerns. NDM markets are firm, as demand is unchanged, but supply is notably limited.

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