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The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is soliciting Engineering Services or the Inspection and Load Rating of the Authority’s System-wide Tunnels comprising of the Orange Line, Blue Line, Red Line, Green Line, Silver Line, Harvard Busway, Commuter Rail, Amtrak and the abandoned tunnels on these lines. The Scope of Service(s) may include but is not limited to: interagency coordination, coordination with MBTA Engineering & Maintenance, coordination with Subway Operations, Power, Signal and Communications for track access and for joint inspections as may be required, coordination with MBTA Railroad Operations and Amtrak, review of existing tunnel inspection reports, review of drawings and maintenance records for both the operational and functional elements of the tunnels, research and data gathering, conducting inspection and rating of tunnel elements, load rating of tunnel elements (where applicable), identifying and reporting on critical elements encountered during inspections, input of tunnel condition and rating reports in 4D format consistent with the reporting requirements for the National Transit Database (NTD) and MBTA Trapeze Asset Management Database, submission of tunnel inspection reports with recommendations, submission of tunnel load rating reports with recommendations and cost estimate, and providing limited structural repair design to support tunnel repairs. The scope of services may also include updating MBTA Rail Transit Tunnel Inspection Manual, the development of standard tunnel repair design documents and details, and performing other tasks associated with the Tunnel Management Program.

The scope of services will be authorized on a Project Specific basis by inspection and load rating schedule (as applicable). The duration of this Contract will be five (5) years from the Notice to Proceed with two (2) option periods of one (1) year each.

This project is expected to utilize Federal and non-federal funding. The DBE participation goal for this project is 22% of the total amount authorized. In addition, the Authority strongly encourages the use of Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as prime consultants, sub-consultants and suppliers in all of its contracting opportunities.

The complete Request for Qualifications can be found on the MBTA website. Please see the following link: solicitations/

This is not a Request for Proposal. The MBTA reserves the right to cancel this procurement or to reject any or all Statements of Qualifications.

Monica Tibbits-Nutt Secretary & CEO

Phillip Eng General Manager


The MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY (Authority) is soliciting consulting services for MPA CONTRACT NO. M770 NORTH JETTY REHABILITATION, MASSPORT MARINE TERMINAL, FID KENNEDY AVENUE, SOUTH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The Authority is seeking a qualified multidiscipline consulting firm or team, with proven experience to provide professional services including planning, design, bid, permitting and construction related services, including resident inspection, relative to the rehabilitation of the North Jetty, an existing pile supported dock, as well as adjacent upland facilities at the Massport Marine Terminal, located on Fid Kennedy Boulevard in South Boston, Massachusetts. The Consultant must be able to work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and effective manner.

The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines including but not limited to Waterfront Engineering, Underwater Diving Inspection, Hydrographic Survey, Structural, Geotechnical, Electrical, Utilities, Stormwater Management, Cost Estimating, Construction Phasing, Climate Resiliency, and Sustainable Design.

The contract will be work order based, and Consultant’s fee for each work order shall be negotiated; however, the total fee for the contract shall not exceed $1,500,000.

A Supplemental Information Package will be available, on November 27, 2024 on the Capital Bid Opportunities webpage of Massport http:// as an attachment to the original Legal Notice, and on COMMBUYS (www. in the listings for this project.

In recognition of the unique nature of the project and the services required to support it, the Authority has scheduled a Consultant Briefing via zoom at 10:00 AM on December 2nd, 2024 via the following link: https://massport. Meeting ID: 895 2658 4156, Passcode: 198841, Dial In Number: (646) 558-8656. At this session, an overview of the project will be provided, the services requested by the Authority will be described, and questions will be answered.

This submission shall be addressed to Luciana Burdi, Intl. Assoc. AIA, CCM, MCPPO, NAC, Director of Capital Programs and Environmental Affairs and received no later than 12:00 Noon on January 9, 2025 Via Bid Express Any submission which is not received by the deadline shall be rejected by the Authority as non-responsive.

MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY Richard A. Davey CEO & Executive Director



Pursuant to its Enabling Act, Chapter 436 of the Acts of 1977, the Boston Water and Sewer Commission will hold a public hearing commencing at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at the Boston Water and Sewer Commission, Second Floor Training Room, 980 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, for the purpose of giving interested persons an opportunity to present data, views or arguments relative to the following schedule of rates for water, sewer and stormwater service in the City of Boston which are proposed to become effective January 1, 2025. Under the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, signed into law by the Governor on March 29, 2023, further extending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law until March 31, 2025, this hybrid meeting will also be conducted virtually via ZOOM.


Consumption Water Rate Sewer Rate

Per 1,000 Per 1,000 Per 1,000 Per 1,000

(Cu. Ft/Day) Cubic Feet Gallons Cubic Feet Gallons

First 19 $68.22 $9.120 $66.23 $8.855

Next 20 $72.85 $9.739 $77.35 $10.341

Next 50 $79.45 $10.622 $95.60 $12.780

Next 260 $84.68 $11.321 $106.97 $14.301

Next 950 $89.13 $11.915 $116.42 $15.564

Over 1299 $92.79 $12.405 $125.19 $16.736

The proposed change in water and sewer rates represents a combined revenue increase of 3.40% based on the current fiscal 2025 rate structure.


The proposed stormwater charge would be a charge for all parcels in the City of Boston with greater than 400 square feet of impervious (hard/impermeable) surface. The stormwater charge will be charged per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). Each ERU is equal to 2,164 square feet of impervious surface. The rate per ERU will be $8.98.




Water and Sewer

Lien Certificate (1)

$150.00 Maximum

Return Check Processing Fee $25.00

Cross Connection Inspection (2) $155.00

Administrative Processing Fee (2a) $65.00

Installation Application Fee

Size of Pipe

5/8 Inch Cost Basis

1 Inch Cost Basis

11/2 Inch Cost Basis


Cost Basis ($900.00 deposit required)

Fire Pipe Excavation

Cost Basis ($2,500.00 deposit required)

Water Pipe Inspection: (3)

Mon. thru Sat., regular hours

$380.00 per connect or disconnect

Mon. thru Sat., overtime rate

$445.00 per connect or disconnect

Sunday & Holidays

$510.00 per connect or disconnect

Sewer Pipe Inspection: (3)

Mon. thru Sat., regular hours

$380.00 per connect or disconnect

Mon. thru Sat., overtime rate

$445.00 per connect or disconnect

Sunday & Holidays

$510.00 per connect or disconnect

Water and Sewer Construction

Multi-day inspection (4)

$1,105.00 per diem

Multi-day inspection (4), overtime rate $1,290.00 per diem

Multi-day inspection (4)(Sunday&Holidays) $1,475.00 per diem

Water Turn-off (5) $40.00

Water-On (6) $40.00

Termination Notice (7) $80.00

Fire Flow Test $645.00

Temporary Connection/

Hydrant Permit (8)

$100.00 per initial 90-day period and every 30-day period thereafter, plus water usage

($750.00 deposit required)

Street Sweeper Hydrant Permit

$2,125.00 Annually (July 1 to

June 30)

Special Meter Test (9)

Cost Basis

Drain Layers License:

-New $150.00

-Renewal $100.00

Construction Plans and Drawings (10) $6.00

Frozen Meter Replacements (11)

Cost Basis

Water Meter 3” and Larger Installed Cost Basis

Sewer Abatement Meter Installed

Cost Basis

Meter Transmission Unit Installed

Cost Basis

Off Hour Meter Service

Cost Basis

Leak Up to Owner (LUTO) and

Lead Pipe Replacement (12)

Cost Basis

Grease Trap Permit Fee

$155.00 Annually/Per

Grease Trap

Hydrants (13)

Cost Basis

Industrial Stormwater Inspection Fee(14) Cost Basis

Creation of as-built Plans (15) $460.00

(1) In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 60, Section 23B, “…for land of less than one acre upon which there is no permanent structure, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated no more than a single family residence and outbuildings, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated no more than a two family residence and outbuildings, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated no more than a three family residence with outbuildings, a fee of twenty-five dollars; for land upon which is situated a residence for four or more families, a fee of one hundred dollars; for land upon which is situated a commercial, industrial or public utility structure, a fee of one hundred and fifty dollars. In no case shall the fee exceed one half of one percent of the assessed value of the real estate …”

(2) Requires annual inspection of each device.


Fee charged when property owner performs inspection but Commission processes paperwork.

(3) For inspections that take place on Sundays, Holidays and outside regularly schedule work hours, a fee of $510.00 per connection or disconnection.

(4) Assessed daily while providing water and sewer inspection services on construction projects of one or more days duration.

(5) Not applicable if account was terminated for non-payment of charges (fee included in Termination Notice Fee).

(6) Applicable to any account requesting water turn-on services.

(7) Charge for mailing and posting final termination notice and demand for payment pursuant to the Billing, Termination and Appeal Regulations of the Commission.

(8) The Commission currently requires a $750.00 deposit for hydrant meters issued to private contractors. The deposits are refundable upon return of hydrants less any usage fees or charges for damage to the meter. On occasion, a hydrant meter is not returned to the Commission because it has been lost, stolen or misplaced. Other times a hydrant meter may be returned with a broken, damaged or frozen insert that causes it to under-register or not register water consumption at all. In both these instances, the Commission is unable to calculate the amount of water used. A standard $400.00 water usage fee will be applied in these circumstances.

Hydrant Meters

Replacement Cost

Check Valve $125.00

Hose Cap Reducer 2 ½ x ¾ $100.00

Hose Nipple $150.00

Hydrant Cap $300.00

Hydrant Meter $1,800.00

Hydrant Wrench $150.00

Meter Insert $630.00

Gate Valve $175.00

(9) No charge if meter is over-registering, based on American Water

Works Association standards, or if a Commission ordered test.

Size of Meter


5/8 Inch $470.00

1 Inch $585.00

11/2 Inch $950.00

2 Inch $1,140.00

3 Inch or larger Cost plus materials

(10) Maps, drawings and prints may be obtained from the Commission on request. Public agencies and Commission consultants and contractors (on bid projects only) receive maps at no charge. The cost per map is detailed below.



I. Base Maps:



-Paper Sepias


-Mylar Sepias*

$50.00/set plus printer’s charge

-Washoff Mylars*

$50.00/set plus printer’s charge

II. Water and Sewer Maps:



-Paper Sepias


-Mylar Sepias

Not Available

-Washoff Mylars

Not Available

*Sold to government agencies only

III. Digital Images: Citywide Area By Tile Area Orthophotographs 1 foot resolution:

$300.00 Not Available 100 scale PDFs of Water and Sewer Facilities:

$250.00 $6.00/ map tile

IV. Data Layers: Personal Geodatabase $150.00 Each Layer $20.00 AutoCAD DXF format: Water $250.00 $5.00 AutoCAD DXF format: Sewer $250.00 $5.00 AutoCAD DXF format: Landbase $250.00 $5.00

(11) For replacement of frozen meters.

Size of Meter

Replacement Fee

5/8 Inch $390.00

1 Inch $510.00

11/2 Inch $880.00

2 Inch $1,065.00

3 Inch or larger Cost plus materials

(12) Leak up to Owner (LUTO) & Lead Pipe Replacement associated costs for services based on annual contract bid.

(13) The Commission requires that hydrants used for private fire protection be purchased from the Commission at cost.

(14) Industrial stormwater inspections are scheduled to be conducted bi-annually. The inspections are required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the prevention of pollution to rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. Below is the Industrial Facility Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Inspection Fee Schedule.

Industrial Facility Type Initial Bi Annual Certificate of No Exposure

Inspection Inspection Inspection

Major Industry (1 acre or greater) $260.00 $225.00 $115.00

Minor Industry/Business (Less than an acre) $150.00 $150.00 $75.00

(15) The Commission requires an as-built plan for each approved site plan.

The as-built plans are to be submitted by the owner for all projects deemed complex by the Commission. All other as-built plans will be created by the Commission for a fee of $460.00 per site. The Commission will determine which site plans will require an as-built plan submitted by the owner or an as-built plan to be created by the Commission for $460.00.

PROPOSED SPECIAL FIRE SERVICE FEES (Internal Sprinklers and Standpipe)

Size of Pipe

Daily Charge

4 inch or smaller $0.99

6 inch $2.25

8 inch or larger $4.00


A Late Payment Charge of 0.03836% per day (14% per annum) compounded with each billing on all amounts past due (greater than 30 days from the original bill posting/printing date).


Customers may receive a credit for receiving bills electronically. The credit will be in the amount of the administrative costs of printing and mailing bills to customers. All customers have the option to enroll in e-billing. The proposed credit for receiving a bill electronically will be up to $1.00 per bill.


A 30% discount on all water, sewer and stormwater charges billed. This discount is applicable only to qualified, owner-occupied residential structures with one to four dwelling units.


An up to 50% credit off of stormwater charges will be available to all customers. The proposed credit program recognizes property owners for taking actions on their property that reduce their demand on BWSC’s stormwater system. The details and applications for the credit programs are available on our website. This credit will be applied to reduce billed stormwater charges after January 1, 2025.

Copies of the rate schedule, together with supporting documentation summarizing the information, data and estimates upon which such rate schedules are based, will be available for inspection on and after November 28, 2024 on the Commission’s website The link to preregister for the ZOOM meeting can also be found on Any individual, partnership, trust, corporation, association, organized group or governmental entity that may be affected by the foregoing rates may appear before the Commission at such hearing, for the purpose of presenting data, views or argument relevant thereto. Data, views, or argument may be presented in person at the hearing, virtually via ZOOM, or in the form of a letter which shall be mailed to the Secretary of the Commission on or before 5:00 PM, December 18, 2024, at the Commission’s offices, 980 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02119. The hearing and all continuances thereof shall be conducted in accordance with the Boston Water and Sewer Commission Rules of Procedure which may be examined at the Commission’s offices.