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When you focus on shopping locally this holiday season, you help foster a deeper sense of community. This simple act contributes to the betterment and wellbeing of your town, as you support your neighbors and the local economy.

Local vendors and service providers are an integral part of every business ecosystem. You can contribute to them finishing the sales year on a high note. This, in turn, provides jobs and financial support through wages and taxes, of course, but they’re also part of your town’s story. These homegrown shops are part of a larger narrative of growth and innovation. Together, they create a sense of place.

Spreading the word

Help spread the word by becoming a local storyteller. Sharing your experiences about shopping local can help grow the small businesses you patronize while empowering others to become more conscientious and better informed.

Don’t hesitate to tell others about special finds, personalized service and the kind of deep community involvement that helps make your hometown unique. One study found that these stories are particularly effective in attracting new customers to businesses owned by members of under-represented communities.

Everyone is more apt to shop with businesses that have an intriguing vision or shared mission, in particular during the holidays.

How you can help

Have you had a unique experience at a store? Did you connect with an owner or manager who went above and beyond to cater to your needs? Share it with others. Tell friends, write a letter to local media, post about it on social media, call into a radio show or email the business directly to provide a testimonial in your own words. Don’t forget the old saying about a picture conveying a thousand words: Capture and share festive images from your holiday shopping. These recommendations are more effective if you leave genuine consumer reviews that go beyond a simple thumbs-up. Keep in mind, too, that every experience won’t be positive. If you have a negative experience, discuss it with the owner or sales representative in a detailed, honest and fair manner. Reviews go a long way toward guiding others to become local shoppers — so it’s crucial that your reviews are presented authentically rather than as an attack.

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