2015 marks 30 years of health and healing at Regional Medical Center of Acadiana. An integral part of Regional’s decades of success has been its ER. Conveniently located off Interstate 10 at the corner of Ambassador Caffery and West Congress, Regional has a proven track record in providing care you can count on. Regional Medical Center was the first hospital in Acadiana to become Cycle Three Chest Pain accredited by the Society of Chest Pain Centers. This accreditation means meeting or exceeding rigorous standards in treating chest pain and heart attacks.

Regional Medical Center also routinely beats national averages for wait times. Additionally, we’ve taken a bold step in emergency care. Regional Medical Center and Women’s & Children’s Hospital are the first and only hospitals in Acadiana that post average ER wait times online. We feel that patients appreciate the convenience factor as mobile devices continue to dominate how the public accesses information.

Accessing those average ER wait times is now much easier.

The iTriage app allows mobile users to view average ER wait times at both Regional Medical Center and Women’s & Children’s Hospital and also allows users to check symptoms and access important medical information that can aid in healthcare decisionmaking.

Regional Medical Center of Acadiana is well-positioned to continue to serve Acadiana with trusted healthcare.

2810 Ambassador Caffery Parkway (Corner of Ambassador Caffery & W. Congress) 337-981-2949

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