Cheese Reporter, 12-31-2021

The final week of 2021 brought on fewer dairy retail ads compared to week 51. Conventional ice cream, in 48- to 64-ounce quantities, is the most advertised dairy item across the board, while half-gallon milk containers remain the most advertised organic dairy item this week. Organic half-gallon milk held an average price of $3.69, which is an organic premium of $2.03 compared to conventional bottled milk.

Conventional one-pound butter ad numbers declined 42 percent. The average price for conventional butter was $2.97, just two cents above last week’s price. Conventional sour cream in 16-ounce containers held a fairly consistent average price with last week’s: $1.89 to $1.90.

Total conventional cheese ad numbers declined by 22 percent. One- and two-pound blocks of cheese, though, showed growth in retail ad numbers, by 93 and 29 percent, respectively. The average advertised price of 2-pound block cheese was $7.24, only six cents higher than last week. Yogurt ad numbers increased in both conventional and organic sectors, by 38 and 32 percent, respectively.
