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Drug money
It is, boiled down, an attempt to prove that the government can do better than the free market. There are too few pot shops and growers for too many customers, which has led to high prices, both for recreational users and imbibers with cancer,...
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Another take on the injustice of looting
We’ve all read about powerful gangs barging in where they had no right to be, eager to grab all they could and escape to turn a profit on their booty. Rivalries among these gangs can rise to warfare. First Holland challenged Portugal’s monopoly. Soon Scotland, Sweden and Denmark joined the looting of West Africa.
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Politicians resume fundraisers
As Illinois slowly begins the reopening process, some state legislators have decided to start hosting in-person fundraisers. For the past few months, most legislative incumbents and challengers have abandoned fundraising.
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Yes, according to Jesse White’s spokesman, our secretary of state was highly offended that Candace Wanzo allegedly stole over $340,000 from his office (”Six figures of trouble,” April 30). Well, Mr.
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Visions of an anti-racist education
The sentiment that schools do a poor job of telling the true history of racial oppression is not new, but calls for change have been amplified in recent weeks. This comes as demonstrators across the country call for widespread reforms in the wake of more police killings of Black people.
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Innocence Project client freed
Onsrud was convicted of killing his four-month-old son in 2007. The child was born prematurely and the Illinois Innocence Project said the death was a result of health issues. The infant had become unresponsive while in Onsrud’s care.
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The problem is policing
Police reforms won’t work, Vitale begins. He then presents a history of modern policing from an international perspective. Policing in the United States evolved from repressive colonial models used by other countries, particularly England.
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Capturing stories of life in Illinois
This story was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center.
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Making history
As demonstrators continue to plea for justice for people like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, Juneteenth was marked differently this year. Many say its unofficial status is proof that, collectively, we need to do a better job of acknowledging our roots.
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In her words: Khoran Readus
Khoran Readus puts the “active” in activism. In 2019 she took a job with Sojourn Shelter as a Sangamon County court advocate for survivors of domestic abuse. Previously she spent more than 15 years as a domestic violence advocate for the Sangamon County state’s attorney.
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Spy: An unexpected delight
I can sense your eyes rolling right now, dear reader, and I completely understand. The script by brothers Erich and Jon Hoeber is nothing but a pastiche of trite, tired ideas and even the most talented thespians wouldn’t be able to breathe any life into what is obviously nothing but a quick cash grab at the box office.
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Homemade ice cream
On the last official day of this discombobulated school year, I glanced out the window at my daughter, swinging in the hammock suspended over her treehouse. She was engrossed in a novel and looked utterly peaceful, and yet still I felt a twinge of sadness as I watched her.
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Music rolls on
This has most certainly been a wild roller coaster ride over the last few months and the ups, downs, ins, outs and around the bends are still happening for sure, on many levels.
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Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters.
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Send us your events! Deadline: 5pm Fri..
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SCIENCE | Bright stars and constellations
Join John Martin, UIS associate professor of astronomy and physics, for a virtual summer star party. Martin will give tips for finding planets, bright stars and constellations in the early summer evening sky.
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