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Fairs & Festivals

FatAss 5K Craft Beer and Cigar Festival May 12, 5pm-12am. Food trucks, adult beverages, live music and more at the intersection of Seventh and Washington streets. Free. Downtown Springfield.

Litchfield Pickers Market May 14, 9am-3pm Sun. Openair market specializes in vendors featuring items prior to 1980. Plus live music, food, more. Free admission. visitlitchfi Downtown Litchfi eld, 400 N. State St., Litchfi eld, 866-733- 5833.

Books & Authors Illinois History Forum May 11, 12-1pm Thu. Book discussion on Eight Men Out by Eliot Asinof led by baseball historian Bob Sampson. BYO lunch. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 558-8844.

SPW Open Mic May 17, 6-8pm Wed. A Springfi eld Poets and Writers event. Hosted by Thea Chesley, third Wednesday of every month. Free. 544-3611. Robbie’s, 4 S. Old State Capitol Plaza, 528-1901.

Third Thursday Reading Series May 18, 6-8pm Thu. Monthly literary event features an open mic, writing and publishing news and featured author Tim Crawford. Free. Sherman Public Library, 2100 E. Andrew Road, Sherman, 496-2496.

Theater & Comedy Comedians Dan Chopin and Greg Batton May 12, 8-10pm. Batton is heard every weekday morning on WMBD’s “Greg and Dan Show.” Chopin has appeared on MTV’s “Half-Hour Comedy Hour,” “The Bob and Tom Show,” “The Dr. Demento Show” and more. $12.50. Mason City Limits Comedy Club, 114 E. Chestnut, Mason City, 482-5233.

Doubt May 12-14, 19-21, 8pm Fri-Sat, 2pm Sun. Winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award. Presented by the Springfi eld Theatre Centre. $16, $18. springfi Hoogland Center for the Arts, 420 S. Sixth St., 523-2787.

Joke Lab Open Mic May 11, 7:30pm Thu. Presented by Belly Laffs Comedy Productions. $2 suggested donation. Capital City Bar & Grill, 3149 S. Dirksen Pkwy, 529-8580. The Three Musketeers May 19-21, 8pm Fri-Sun. Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. In collaboration with Lincoln Land Community College. Pre-show entertainment at 7pm. $15 adults, $13 seniors, $10 children under 12. Theatre in the Park, Lincoln’s New Salem State Historic Site, 15588 History Lane, Petersburg, 632-5440.

Music: General Events

Bach Cantata May 14, 4-5pm Sun. Choir includes the Capital Chamber Singers and members of the choirs of Grace Lutheran Church, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. Free. gracelutheranspringfi Grace Lutheran Church, 714 E. Capitol Ave., 522-3965.

Dancing with the Orchestra May 19, 7:30-9pm Fri. Collaboration between the Sangamon Valley Civic Orchestra and dancers from the Springfi eld Youth Performance Group. $10 adults, $5 students, free to ages 12 and under. 753-8000. Hoogland Center for the Arts, 420 S. Sixth St., 523-2787.

Music at the Museum Series May 11, 7-9pm Thu. Featuring Chris Vallillo and Burr Oak String Band. $10 adults, $8 museum members and children under 12. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 782-7386.


BAM May 12, 8-11pm Fri. Playing the Friday night dance. VFW Post #755, 2211 Old Jacksonville Road, 546-9515.

Dance for Hope May 12, 7:30-10:30pm Fri. Ballroom dance every second Friday of the month. Normandy Hill Plaza, 3111 Normandy Road, Suite 104, 522-9106.

Flow Dance Lessons and Dance May 17, 7-10:30pm Wed. Sixweek session. $30 per couple; $15 single. Prairie Land Dance Club, 650 Matilda St., Illiopolis, 428-1560. Groove West Coast Swing Dance May 13, 7pm-12am Sat. Second Saturday of each month. $5 per dancer. pldc. org. Prairie Land Dance Club, 650 Matilda St., Illiopolis, 428- 1560.

Open Dance May 12, 7-10:30pm Fri. Featuring a variety of music and all dance styles. $5 per dancer. Prairie Land Dance Club, 650 Matilda St., Illiopolis, 428-1560.

Art & Architecture Art Together - Paint Bugs May 13, 10-11:30am Sat. Artsy bonding for adult and child to paint favorite animal. Registration needed. $25. 331-2027. Twisted Deli, 330 S. Grand Ave., 679-4896.

Borrowed and Shared Opening Reception May 12, 5:30-7:30pm Fri. 2D show featuring artworks by Camille Silverman and Matt Litteken. Free. springfi eldart. org. Springfi eld Art Association, 700 N. Fourth St., 523-2631.

Michiko Itatani: Celestial Visions May 11-24, 9am-4:30pm Mon- Sat, 12-4:30pm Sun. Exhibition by Michiko Itatani, one of Chicago’s most well-respected contemporary artists. $5 adults 19-64; free to children, seniors, veterans and members. 524- 5744. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 782-7386.

PIEZO Opening Reception May 12, 6-8:30pm Fri. Group art exhibition organized by Chicago-based curator Teresa Silva offers a “poetic observation of interior spaces and thoughts and interactions.” Free. DEMO Project, 732 N. Fourth St., 523-2631.

Wright Concepts Specialty Tour May 12, 10:15am-12:15pm Fri. Longtime volunteer Larry Betz leads tour on the design principles behind Wright’s “Prairie School” architecture. $20 suggested donation. Dana-Thomas House, 301 E. Lawrence Ave., 782-6776.

Film & Television

Movie in the Park: The Secret Life of Pets May 12, 7pm Fri. Part of Springfi eld Park District’s concert and movie series. Bring lawn chair or blanket. Concessions for purchase. Free. springfi 544-1751. Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 546-3853.

Short Films May 11, 6:30-8pm Thu. View award-winners and favorites from past Route 66 Film Festivals. Free. Food available for purchase. route66fi 544- 3611. Z Bistro, 220 S. Sixth St., 522-4049.

Children’s Corner

Dr. Dolittle Day May 13, 11am-4pm Sat. Animal programs, turtle races, face painting and day-long activities. $5 adults, $2 children. springfi Henson Robinson Zoo, 1100 E. Lake Shore Dr., 585-1821.

Science ISM Brown Bag Lecture Series May 17, 12-1pm Wed. “Life on the Late Prehistoric Prairie: The Middle Grant Creek Site at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie” presented by Mark Schurr. Free. 782- 0061. Illinois State Museum Research & Collections Center, 1011 E. Ash St., 785-0037.

Nature Prairie Plant Sale May 13-14, 9am-4pm Sat, 1-4pm Sun. Annual event features native Illinois sun-loving plants. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 529-1111.

Spring Bird Hikes May 13, 8am Sat. Led by Kevin Veara. Open to birders of all skill level. Free. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 529-1111.

Lectures & Meetings Adult Children of Alcoholics May 16, 5:15pm Tue. Weekly meeting. New attendees welcome. wisetruth@yahoo. com. Discovery Club, 313 W. Cook St., 544-9049.

Central Illinois Numismatic Association May 11, 7pm Thu. Monthly meeting. Knights of Columbus Hall Council 4175, 2801 West

St., 528-5740. Chatham VFW Dinner & Meeting May 15, 5-8pm. 414-9637. Chatham VFW, 501 W. Mulberry St., Chatham, 483-4613.

Elkhart Historical Society Dinner Lecture May 19, 5:30pm Fri. Presentation by historian Chuck McCue titled “Lincoln and Oglesby: The Boys from Kentucky.” $40 for full dinner and lecture. Reservations required. 947-2238. Wild Hare Cafe, 104 Governor Oglesby St., Elkhart, 947-2100.

Mr. Lincoln’s Hometown Civil War Round Table May 18, 6pm Thu. Annual banquet followed by a panel discussion featuring representatives from fi ve central Illinois round tables. Dinner optional; program is free. [email protected]. MCL Cafeteria, 2151 Wabash Ave., 787-8706.

NAMI Springfield May 17, 7pm Wed. Meetings fi rst Saturday (1pm) and third Wednesday (7pm) of the month. For families, caregivers, friends and those with mental illness. Questions, call 522-3571. First Christian Church, 700 S. Sixth St., 528-3407.

Sertoma Club May 15, 12pm. First and third Monday of every month. 891- 2782. Hibachi Grill Supreme Buffet, 2309 S. MacArthur Blvd., 698-6033.

SIH/SIU Health Policy Institute May 19, 8am-3:30pm Fri. Program is “Obamacare After Obama: The Future of US Health Care at a Crossroads”. 618-453-2121. Memorial’s Center for Learning and Innovation, 228 W. Miller, 545-6314.

Single and Parenting May 11, 6-8:30pm Thu. 13-week program teaches practical strategies regarding parenting, fi nancial management, relationship issues, emotional guidance and more. Free; light meal and childcare provided at no cost. singleandparenting. org. 685-8099. Trinity Lutheran School, 515 S. MacArthur, 787- 2323.

Stamp Collecting Club May 15, 7pm Mon. Meets third Monday of each month. 546- 5021. Carpenters Union Hall, 211 W. Lawrence Ave., 528- 7571.

Bulletin Board

19th Annual Senior Celebration May 17, 9am-2pm Wed. Free health screenings, informational displays, volunteer opportunities, refreshments, entertainment and more. Free admission with can of food for food pantry. 787-9234. Orr Building, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 725-8047.

APL Kitten Shower May 13, 1-3pm Sat. Games, refreshments, door prizes and visits with APL kittens. Small gifts for kittens welcome. aplfoster@apl-shelter. org. Animal Protective League, 1001 Taintor Road, 544-7387.

Chill and Build May 13, 10:30am-3pm Sat. Help build a house with Habitat for Humanity. Ages 18+. BYO lunch. Registration. Free. habitatsangamon.volunteerhub. com. 523-2710. Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 2744 S. Sixth St., 787-7209.

LLCC Commencement May 12, 7:30pm Fri. Prairie Capital Convention Center, 1 Convention Center Plaza, 800-745-3000.

PFLAG Monthly Meeting May 15, 7pm Mon. Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 745 Woodside Road, 585-9550.

Springfield Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon May 17, 11am-1pm Wed. “Survival” luncheon featuring speaker Ann Heinzle, a cancer survivor. $15. 303-9768. Northfi eld Inn Suites and Conference Center, 3280 Northfi eld Dr., 523-7900.

UIS Graduation May 13, 12:30pm and 5:30pm Sat. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences graduation at 12:30pm. College of Business and Management, College of Education and Human Services, and College of Public Affairs and Administration graduation at 5:30pm. Free. Prairie Capital Convention Center, 1 Convention Center Plaza, 800-745-3000.

Food Illinois Products Farmers Market May 11, 18, 4-7pm Thu. Every Thursday. Shopping, health and wellness information, special focuses and more in a street party atmosphere. SNAP cards accepted. Free. nightmarket. Illinois State Fairgrounds, The Shed, 801 Sangamon Ave.

Morel Mushroom Dinner May 13, 5:45-7:30pm Sat. Hosted by Slow Food Springfi eld. Four-course meal featuring morel mushrooms by Chef Michael Higgins. Reservations required. $51.80 members; $56.95 non. slowfoodspringfi 618- 525-0975. Maldaner’s, 222 S. Sixth St., 522-4313.

Old Capitol Farmers Market May 17, 20, 8am-12:30pm. Shop local produce, meats, cheeses and more. Entertainment on Saturdays includes chef demonstrations, live performances, activities and more. Free admission. downtownspringfi

Downtown Springfi eld, Inc., 3 W. Old State Capitol Plaza, 544- 1723.

History History of the Sangamon Ordinance Plant May 16, 5:30pm Tue. A Sangamon County Historical Society program. Free. 525-1961. Lincoln Library, 326 S. Seventh St., 753-4900.

Korean War National Museum Trivia May 13, 7-10pm Sat. Hosted by WCIA CILiving’s Matt Metcalf. $100 per table or $15 per individual. 523- 7230. VFW Post #755, 2211 Old Jacksonville Road, 546-9515.

Listen to a Local Historian: The Coal Mine Wars May 20, 3-5pm Sat. Presentation on the history surrounding coal mining and union organizing near Virden and Pana by local historian and novelist Kevin Corley. Free. Lincoln Library, 326 S. Seventh St., 753-4900.

Looking Back Looking Forward Opening Reception May 13, 12-4pm Sat. Historic photography exhibition features the Iles House and its residents plus photographs from the time the house was moved in 1998 until present. Enjoy ice cream, cake, drinks, and docent-led tours. Free. Elijah Iles House, 628 S. Seventh St., 492-5929.

Health DBSA Central Illinois Support Group May 16, 6:30-8pm Tue. 816- 8523. First Christian Church, 700 S. Sixth St., 528-3407.

Faith & Philosophy

Cowboy Church May 14, 5pm Sun. Held the second Sunday of each month. Meal at 5pm; music at 6pm. Clementine Memorial Church, 2075 N. 11th St., 638-1648.

Kindness as Public Policy May 14, 10:30-11:30am Sun. Guest speaker Elaine Orr. Free. Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 745 Woodside Road, 585-9550. Labyrinth Walk

May 19, 7-9pm Fri. Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 745 Woodside Road, 585-9550.

Mother’s Day Remembrance Tribute Service May 13, 10-11am Sat. Ceremony led by certifi ed celebrant Judy Woerner honors all mothers and their important roles. Free. Roselawn Memorial Park, 1735 S. Camp Butler Road, 525-1661.

Sports & Fitness

Bike and Hike Days May 14, 8am-3pm Sun. Enjoy safe recreation and minimized vehicular traffi c. Hosted by Springfi eld Park District. Free. springfi

Washington Park, 1501 S. Grand Ave. W., 544-1751.

FatAss 5K and Street Party May 13, 10am-3pm Sat.

5K race includes food, beer and entertainment along race route. Friday night preview party. Saturday street party featuring hog roast and live band to follow race. Registration. Downtown Springfi eld.

OM Yoga Event May 13, 10-10:30am Sat. World’s largest yoga event. Created by Manduka in partnership with Susan G. Komen. $10 suggested minimum donation. White Oaks Mall, 2501 Wabash Ave., 787-8560.

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