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What's new at 318 Forum MagazineGreenspace in SightThe project called the Downtown Bossier City Re-envisioning Plan was presented at the Bossier City Council’s on July 7 meeting by McSwain and Sean Sims, president of SK Studios in Kansas City, Mo. McSwain and Sims opened the presentation with the basis for considering “re-envisioning” old Bossier. Page 5 - no comments - 309 views The Best MeasureFirms that have a track record of growing their valuation attract the best employees and have lower cost of capital because they are less risky. These firms proactively upgrade their capabilities for the next round of profitable revenue growth before rivals do. Page 8 - no comments - 295 views Level of RespectAs a historian, I must be analytical when it comes to events, activities, personalities and issues. Yes, I know that bringing logic into discussions today is often not considered polite or politically correct. But I think it is more important for us to be historically correct than it is to be politically correct. Page 9 - no comments - 239 views Update: DA’s RaceSo, let me bring you up to date. When I last wrote, there were four declared candidates, all of whom are white – Assistant District Attorney Dhu Thompson and attorneys Lee Harville, Mark Rogers and Casey Simpson. And there was what some political observers referred to as the “phantom campaign” of 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal Judge James E. Page 10 - no comments - 388 views 'The Cynic'Know your pets ... Call a dog, and he will come to you. Call a cat, and he will think about it.. Page 13 - no comments - 247 views Lieutenant GovernorA short visit with lieutenant governor candidate John Young gave me good reason to pay more attention to this race. It’s likely that most know the lieutenant governor stands in for the governor when the state’s chief executive is out of the state, or worse, if the governor is incapacitated. Page 13 - no comments - 247 views Weeds FlourishingIt’s often said life is a fight for territory, and that once we stop fighting for what we want, what we don’t want will automatically take over. We need only to turn on the television, or pick-up a newspaper or read comments on social media to realize exactly what we, as a country, have stopped fighting for – and what has automatically taken over. Page 15 - no comments - 267 views . Page 17 - no comments - 232 views Pregnancy and VaccinationsThe most important factor in understanding the dos and don’ts of vaccinations and pregnancy is to have the most current and evidence-based facts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a range of resources and tools to help in making the most informed decision. Page 18 - no comments - 222 views MeningitisMeningitis is a serious inflammation of the meninges [the thin membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord] caused by an infection. While there are several forms of the disease, the most common are viral and bacterial. Bacterial meningitis is rarer, harder to treat and can be fatal. Page 19 - no comments - 295 views Late Onset MenopauseIt is the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another, and it may come with various symptoms and lifestyle changes. It is defined as the final menstrual period and may be confirmed if a woman misses her period for 12 months in a row, and not due to any medical causes, and her ovaries no longer produce eggs. Page 20 - no comments - 620 views Healthy Food(BPT) – Do you love the snap that chili peppers give to your food? Are you a fan of the heat they impart to a variety of dishes? Even if you’re not, you may want to take another look at the humble chili pepper. Page 21 - no comments - 208 views Sleep and the healthy heartSleep problems reduce the quality of life and can create and worsen other medical conditions. Sleep disorders often go undiagnosed and untreated, posing serious health risks. Of all the reasons to get a good night’s sleep, protecting the heart should be a top priority. Page 25 - no comments - 286 views Adult BracesBefore committing to ceramic and metallic braces, Ho said she did consider Invisalign, a clear, plastic alternative to traditional braces that also help align the teeth. For Ho, though, Invisalign was not considered a good option.. Page 36 - no comments - 443 views HEALTHY GEEZERPreliminary scientific studies of magnets for pain have produced mixed results. Overall, there is no convincing scientific evidence to support claims that magnets can relieve pain of any type. Page 37 - no comments - 278 views Protecting the eyesPainful burns, peeling, wrinkles and even cancer – there are a list of known dangers to sun exposure on the skin, and the same UV rays can have harmful effects on the eyes as well. There are three ranges of ultraviolet radiation: UV-C, UV-B and UV-A. Page 38 - no comments - 272 views Life Savers GalaThe first raffle will feature 10 $500 shopping sprees to Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry with limited tickets available to participate. The second raffle is for Fork or Cork and offers guests the opportunity to draw a card that will have either a picture of a fork or a cork. Page 39 - no comments - 591 views Realism with a Robot“It has already changed the way I practice neurorehabilitation,” clinical instructor Evelyn Scarborough said. “It is the most realistic training for my patients and allows me to easily grade the difficulty of any activity for those who either need more of a challenge or who need more assistance. Page 40 - no comments - 267 views TALK of the TOWNThere are 50 bands over the three-day festival in the Red River District in Shreveport. Dates and times: 5 to 10 p.m. Aug. 28; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 29; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 30.. Page 46 - no comments - 617 views Music DistrictGreg LeGrand, the director and president of the Ark-La-Tex Music Heritage Festival, has a strong background in local music history. “I have been in radio for about 28 years in this market, and I’ve been a musician playing with several bands around the area. Page 49 - no comments - 312 views . Page 50 - no comments - 0 views Art on FireJim Tweedy and Bruce Odell are two men who are firmly established in their particular art of choice. Tweedy is a much celebrated painter of sports and comedic animals. Odell is a much awarded potter and practitioner of Raku Firing, an ancient Japanese technique for heating pottery. Page 54 - no comments - 443 views . Page 55 - no comments - 201 views