The Oaks welcomes the public to all seminars and events. Registration is required.
Widowhood: I Didn’t Ask for This!
Guest Speaker: Elaine Hodge Marze, author
Tuesday, May 20, 3:30 p.m. Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Addressing a topic not unfamiliar with many on The Oaks of Louisiana campus, author Elaine Hodge Marze, mother of two and grandmother of five, will share her experiences as a widow, having lost her spouse after nearly 40 years of marriage. “The physical loss of my love, my hero, my best friend, was devastating but the fear of a future without him is terrifying,” she writes. “All our hopes, dreams and plans are gone.” Cost: $5, nonresidents. Registration is required.
Lectures and seminars
Well Worth It Series
Remember When …
Guest Speaker: Joanne Sigler, columnist
Friday, May 16, 3:30 p.m. Alta and John Franks Community Center Times columnist Joanne Sigler will discuss recalling milestones/events in one’s life - birthdays, weddings, raising children and vacations and the importance of sharing unforgettable memories. Cost: $5, nonresidents. Registration is required.
That’s Not Greek to Me: Exploring the Isles
Guest Speaker: Becky Craft
Monday, May 19, 4 p.m. Ballroom, Tower at The Oaks Get an understanding of some of the most picturesque scenery and gorgeous views in the world as travel counselor Becky Craft presents a program on Greek island travel. Craft will take guests on a journey packed with cultural tidbits and will share the allure of some of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful assets. Cost: $5, nonresidents. Registration is required.
Health and Wellness
Live an Anti-Inflammatory Life: Go Mediterranean!
Guest Speaker: Julie Hartley, registered dietitian with WK Weight & Wellness Solutions
Tuesday, May 6, 11 a.m. Ballroom, Tower at The Oaks Diet and stress are two of the most overlooked risk factors that are in within our control. By developing the lifestyle practices suggested in the Mediterranean diet, along with stress-coping techniques, you can experience optimal health. Whether your objective is to eat better, lose weight, reduce stress, age gracefully, or reduce the risk of disease, you’ll find the tools, advice, and support you need to enhance your life and achieve vitality and health. Following the lecture, experience the Mediterranean diet with lunch in the Tower’s Oak Room. Lunch includes lentil soup, Tower house salad featuring organic greens, seasonal berries, almonds and housemade vinaigrette, and chocolate covered strawberries. Cost: lecture, nonresidents – $5; lecture/luncheon, nonresidents – $20. Registration is required.
Don’t Let Pain Crimp Your Lifestyle
Guest Speakers: Randall Brewer, MD, and Steven Abney, PsyD
Monday, May 12, 5 p.m. Alta and John Franks Community Centre Low back pain, neck pain and musculoskeletal pain can affect your quality of life and your mental state. But a combination of medical pain management combined with mental health support offers a holistic approach to pain treatment that can help you deal with it and flourish in life. Pain management experts Randall Brewer and Steven Abney, PsyD, of River Cities Interventional Pain Specialists, will give insight into dealing with pain and the stress it causes – everything from diet and lifestyle to spirituality and interpersonal functioning. Cost: $5, nonresidents. Registration is required.
The Beauty of the Psalms
Discussion Leader: The Rev. Larry Williams, Broadmoor Baptist Church
Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Tower at The Oaks Activity Room Study focuses on the longest book of the Bible, which contains 150 individual psalms written by many different people. FREE. Registration is required.
Priscilla Shirer’s Discerning the Voice of God
Discussion Leader: The Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of Spiritual Life Services, The Oaks of Louisiana
Thursdays, 2:30 p.m. Alta and John Franks Community Centre In this multi-week video bible study, Priscilla Schirer “discusses how God uses the wilderness to draw people into an intimate relationship with Him. The same God who led the Israelites out of Egypt paid a great price for humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ.” FREE. Registration is required.
Spiritual Pathways:
From Popes to Saints: The Canonization of John XXII and John Paul II
Guest Speaker: Peter Huff, PhD, associat professor of religious studies, Centenary College
Wednesday, May 21, 4 p.m. Chapel at The Oaks Peter Huff brings his unique understanding of world religions, particularly the Catholic faith - in a program focusing on the canonization of John XXII and John Paul II. FREE. Registration required.
Spiritual services
Chapel at The Oaks
The multifaith spiritual activities at The Oaks of Louisiana and the Chapel at The Oaks are open to all who wish to be a part of a meaningful experience. The Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of Spiritual Life Services, and Mickie Cowan, chaplain, work with volunteer clergy and lay leaders from throughout the community to create a variety of worship opportunities at the Chapel at The Oaks. Details about these services can be found under Classes and Events at No reservations are required.
Catholic Mass
Mondays, 9:30 a.m.
May 5: The Rev. Phil Michiels, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
May 12: The Rev. Joseph Nasser, Society of Jesus
May 19: The Rev. Phil Michiels, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
May 26: The Rev. Joseph Nasser, Society of Jesus
Communion Services
Sunday, May 4, 10:30 a.m.: The Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of Spiritual Life Services
Monday, May 5, 3 p.m.: Canon Rowena White, St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
Monday, May 12, 3:30 p.m.: Multifaith Communion, The Rev. Jonathan Beck, First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 19, 3:30 p.m.: The Rev. Paul Martin, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Sunday School
9:15 a.m.
Discussion leader: Andy Amison, Ellerbe Road Baptist Church Location: Creative Corner
Discussion leader: Richard Pool, Ellerbe Road Baptist Church Location: Savannah Arbor Room
Sunday Services
10:30 a.m.
May 4, 11, 18 &: The Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of Spiritual Life Services
May 25: Donald Webb, president emeritus, Centenary College
Thursdays, 6 p.m.
May 1: The Rev. Perry Culver, Christ Lutheran Church
May 8: The Rev. Todd Andrews, associate pastor, Calvary Pentecostal Church
May 15: The Rev. Dick Day, retired Baptist minister
May 22: John Sacker, Sunday School director, Calvary Pentecostal Church
May 29: The Rev. Kendall Holley, Broadacres Baptist Church
Prayer & Healing Service
Fridays, 10:45 a.m. Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of Spiritual Life Services Chapel (Memorial Day Service at 10:30 a.m. will take place of Prayer & Healing on May 23)