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Stuart’s Integrated Services

Kim Walton admits her decision nine years ago raised a few eyebrows.

After all, it’s not every day someone gives up a nursing career to become a bookkeeper.

“(Husband) Jon and I do have five children. At that time, I had one in high school and four in elementary school. Working 12-hour shifts was difficult.”

So Walton went from taking care of patients to taking care of the books — the financial books at Stuart’s Integrated Services, a full-service managed print, office furniture and supply company.

While Walton was counting numbers, she was also learning — and dreaming. Learning about the business that began in 1976, and dreaming about the day she and Jon would become part-owners. Jon already worked at Stuart’s, overseeing the company’s copier division.

“Jon and (company founder Richard Stuart) have always had such a great relationship,” Walton said. “Richard took Jon and groomed him and let him take the reins. When I came along, we knew (ownership) would always be something in the future, but it wasn’t going to happen immediately. That was a great time for me to get a grasp and understanding of the industry.”

Walton was born at Barksdale Air Force Base, the daughter of a retired staff sergent. She went to Parkway High School, and then moved to Dallas. But after a couple of years working in the big city, she longed for a more “family” atmosphere.

She found it at Stuart’s. “I remember when I started working here, I told Jon, ‘It’s kind of like working at Cheers. Everybody knows your name. It’s a great place.’ “I wanted to be in a small, family business,” Walton added. “I love building the relationships we have with our customers.”

Now, a big part of that process is helping Stuart’s customers become more efficient, in both production and cost.

We’re really trying to get with our customers and see what their needs are and let them make the best decisions to save them money but to also be productive in the best way they can.”

In this day and age of big box stores, speaking with someone in a far away place, and shaky customer service, Walton applies her love of “family” to the way she runs her business. She treats her customers not like customers, but like family.

“You’re going to call somebody locally,” Walton said. “You’re going to talk to a person who cares about your satisfaction. You’re not going to talk to some service center in another state or country. We provide a one-stop shop. You order from us, we deliver to you for free. If you’re not satisfied, we will come pick it up and we’ll take care of it and get you what you need.”

That’s service that is sure to raise a few eyebrows — in a good way.

(318) 869-3595 | | 3642 Youree Drive, Shreveport, LA