Want to know what’s in store for the rest of 2017?

Dakota Lawrence is a local clairvoyant, medium and psychic paranormal investigator who can assist. Lawrence has a history of gifted psychics in his family, and at the early age of 12, he knew that he was gifted himself and began doing readings for others. He embraces his Native American family heritage, and with every reading, he respectfully approaches his native ancestors and asks for assistance and guidance.

When Lawrence was 15, he had a life-changing moment and realized that not everyone had the gift that he and his family have. He began doing his readings professionally, and he consistently receives praise from his clients. He attributes his gifts and talents to God and serves his clients with the utmost respect.

Lawrence, 30, has been guiding people on matters from life questions, to missing person and cold cases, but he requires the family sign a non-disclosure so he does not discuss those, nor does he charge. “I don’t want gain off of someone else’s pain. I also refuse to take any reward money from them, either. In that moment of grief, I want to be able to truly heal and solve those unanswered questions,” he said.

His upbeat personality and Southern style were evident at a group gallery with about 16 others. In fact, he said the favorite line of the night was mine when I said, “I didn’t know you were actually funny.” However, he warns that he is also blunt and uncensored.

The group readings are held at the Logan Mansion, which is said to have a ghost. Ten dollars from each ticket goes back to help preserve the mansion. Lawrence said what he does for a living was accepted in Victorian times when death was an accepted part of living, and that was one of the first major spiritual movements that swept the U.S.

About half in the group gallery I attended were repeat customers. He does the shows so people can see a medium at work and witness it firsthand, to “get a feel of his side of the world.”

Lawrence is straightforward and honest as he explains everything in ways you can understand. He believes that honesty is the best policy, and a little bit of edginess doesn’t hurt either. His readings are what he calls “soul level” to help the client understand what is going on in his life and what is going on around him, which in turn, will help them improve their own lives and personal enlightenment.

These are the most common topics: Love/Romance: Guidance for when a new partner will come in or if it is time to let go of a past/ current relationship, otherwise known as “dating from a psychic perspective.”

Career/Finances: For those who need guidance on when a new job is materializing, as well as promotions/changes within the career or help in overcoming career obstacles.

About 70 percent of his business is mediumship, helping you connect to those who have crossed over with messages or confirmation that their energy is still around. He is the gap through which the deceased and living are bridged.

Lawrence doesn’t prep; the readings come automatically, and he rarely gets blocked. He does not connect with animals. If someone has a closed mind, he can expect less from the reading, Lawrence said.

He said he is engaged with the energy of the deceased. His eyes are often closed, or he looks at the floor or the wall. That way, he is not accused of reading body language. He said he feels a “knowing sense” or presence.

When someone doesn’t know how their loved one died, Lawrence may feel a compression in his chest, indicating a heart attack, or a sharp pain in a body organ. Sometimes, it can be a tingling sensation.

“I know I’m helping and making a difference,” he said. “You don’t meet someone like me every day.”

He doesn’t charge extra to help those who are grieving after the show. He says they need to rejoice in their memories. He will also call friends when he has a precognitive dream about them.

Lawrence says it doesn’t feel like he is working. He refers to the group galleries as somewhat of a comedy show with lost loved ones. “I am myself, eclectic,” he said. “It would be dark and depressing if I was not myself.” He looks at people’s problems head-on and tries to add a little humor to it.

Lawrence’s monthly gallery at Logan Mansion will be March 11, April 7, May 6 and June 10.

Private consultations are available Monday through Saturday by phone. Lawrence is also available for in-person sessions. Thirty minutes cost $75 and an hour costs $150. Visit www.dakotalawrence.com for more information.

Lawrence used to work all across the country, but now travels about an eight-hour radius to stay closer to family and friends. He enjoys working at the mansion and doing his radio show on “Morning Madhouse” on K94.5, where callers can get a free reading at 8 a.m. the Friday before a live show.

I’ve seen John Edward twice, and it costs a whole lot more and you are not guaranteed a reading. The crowd is in the hundreds. So, I was grateful when Lawrence told me my mother died quickly and possibly had a problem swallowing. I have never known the cause of death; she was fine the day before and passed away in the middle of the night. Lawrence said she just didn’t feel right. He said she had a lot of energy. That was true.

When I told him about seeing Edward, he said, “I don’t look at others as competition. There are 7 billion people in this world and everyone has lost at least two they want to communicate with. That means there are 14 billion lost loved ones that people want to communicate with.”

Mary Ann Van Osdell

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