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Bailey Dixon and Jeffrey Jones know what true love looks like. They started dating in February 2011, and after a brief breakup due to long distance, decided they were it for each other. “He was my person, and I was his,” Bailey said. “Why look for anything else, when there’s someone that loves you for everything that you are?” “I’d wanted to propose to Bailey for a while, but I had begun reading the book ‘Red: Discovering a Love that Lasts in a Culture that Doesn’t Believe it Can’,” Jeffrey said. “It was something about the way the author described his own journey that left a mark with me. I decided then that what Bailey and I had was something very special.”

Jeffrey, who works at the sheriff’s department, put a lot of thought into the “how” of the big moment.

“I knew she’d want to be dressed nicely, and she always wants pictures of moments happening,” Jeffrey said. “So I used her cousin to take photos as a decoy, which ‘forced’ me to take photos with her. She planned her own engagement photos without even knowing!” Bailey, who works at Specialists Hospital, was beyond surprised when Jeffrey popped the question. “We went out there all cute and started to take pictures,” Bailey said. “Next thing I know, he comes walking out looking way too spiffy for any normal day. My cousin asked if he wanted to jump in the pictures, so we took a couple and then he turned to me and got down on one knee. The rest is a little fuzzy because I was so excited! Thank goodness she took a video!” “My favorite thing about Jeffrey is his selflessness,” Bailey said.

“Not just how much of his worldly life he gives away, such as money and gifts, but he gives his time, his thoughts, his feelings and absolutely 100 percent of who he is as a person into our relationship. I know that I wouldn’t be where I am and who I am without him.”

“There’s so much I love about Bailey, but if I had to pick one thing I love the most, it’s the way she looks at me,” Jeffrey said. “From the very first date, until right now, she acts like it’s all new.”

They haven’t set a date yet, but plan to as soon as they get settled in their jobs and pick a venue.

When it comes to looking to the future, they both have hearts in their eyes. “I’m so excited to be married for the opportunity to travel together, and be able to spend as much time with my new husband no matter where we are,” Bailey said.

“I want to experience the world and pursue new opportunities, knowing that there will always be someone there experiencing it with me.”

“I’m most looking forward to just coming home to her every day,” Jeffrey said.

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