Kings Antique Mall

(318) 865-5033 |

You would never know from the charm and warmth of Margo Newell that she was a former basketball wife. While traveling the country and living on the move for years, she and her children settled in Shreveport and the rest is history. Living history.

At Kings Antique Mall, you will be surrounded by the old, the new and the re-imagined. No shortage of vintage objects to be found, you can spend hours roaming through the stores and enjoying the nostalgic items you will find. And you are likely to find plenty of items that have now found a new use through repurposing, giving something ‘old’ a new and youthful life.

Soothing soundtracks accompany you as your drift through the store. The positive vibes are irresistible. Vanicka Terhune, Margo’s daughter, is responsible for these soothing sounds and her music mix can be purchased for just a $20 donation, so you can literally take that good feeling home with you.

Terhune is also a contemporary artist and her work is available in-store and has been found to be highly desirable by both shoppers and interior designers. The impassioned paintings add “oomph” to any decor or office and are a standout at King’s Antiques.

A family business, mom, daughter and the son’s fiancée, Amanda Smith, all spend time in the store. With its visitors bringing their own brand of warmth, it just kind of feels like home.

More than just furnishings and decor, the repurposed items are a big draw and have that unique, one-of-a-kind appeal.

Vintage clothing, housewares, antique books and other things round out the merchandise. Other vendors also offer a variety of goods for the collector or decorator in all of us.

A family of Christians, they acknowledge their strong belief in God and through His guidance, they were able to buy this little piece of paradise and are inspired to continue to share their vision for the store – and their family – one day at a time.

Come in for a visit – a getaway – you’ll find something special here too.

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