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Cynhia D. Brooks, CPA

(318) 797-7261 | 1958 E. 70th Street, Shreveport, LA 71105 |

Cynthia D. Brooks, CPA, APAC, is one local business woman who counts the cost of her profession and comes out on top.

Brooks has been in business since May of 2002 and has been a CPA for twenty-five years. She’s seen a lot of positive changes over the years as a woman in the work-force. “When I first started in the public accounting profession, you would only see three or four females at the conferences,” said Brooks. “Today, there is much more of a balance and not as much discrimination.”

Brooks, who was born and raised in Shreveport, loves helping people. “My favorite part of my job is being able to help people who think there is no financial help, or who are overwhelmed by their tax obligations,” said Brooks. “Helping people relieve the stress of their income tax burdens leaves me with a good feeling.”

Brooks was always naturally gifted in math. “The first day I stepped foot into a public accounting firm and began working, I knew that I would someday own my own firm,” said Brooks. “It took eleven years, but I did it!” Brooks, an LSU fan who loves fishing, rescues pets, and works with nonprofit organizations, enjoys giving back to the community and living out her faith. “I have a strong faith in God which tends to drive everything I do,” said Brooks. “I want every piece of work that leaves my office to be done for the Lord. We strive for excellence.”

Brooks has found a method to the madness of balancing a full work load with a full personal life. “I don’t feel like I always do very well at this,” said Brooks. “Work is demanding, especially during tax season. However, God always comes first. I try to put my family next and then my work.”

She even gets creative when she has to, bringing some of her four-legged furry “children ” to work with her, who immediately get to work themselves charming her clients. “You do have to try to create boundaries to keep work from invading your personal life,” said Brooks. “One of my boundaries is that I will not work on a Sunday. God rested, and I take His day to attend church and spend time with family.”

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