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Put your name on it, make it special


Pinterest is amazing for finding the perfect gift – doesn’t matter if they’re made (shoddily) by me or (professionally) by someone else.

It’s just too fun to find the perfect, unique present on the site. The final Pinterest win I had in the past month was a gift for my goddaughter, Molly. She’s at school in Athens, Ohio. This person whom I have known since she was a fresh person on the earth is now in a sorority. She’s also, strangely, very into monograms. I know you’re probably laughing at the “strangely” part, but I’ll let you in on a secret: The rest of the country isn’t into the monogram thing as much as my sweet, Southern friends. There’s bits of it here and there, but nothing like south of the Mason Dixon Line.

Molly is like me, though, a truly Southern girl at heart, despite being born a Colorado girl, and this is one of the traditions that really appeals to her. I found a denim ball cap – “trucker hat” if you will – that has a beautiful monogram – the perfect contrast of super-casual and fancy. I wasn’t sure about the trucker hat thing either, since that screams Ashton Kutcher circa 2004, but it was really cute. It’s also perfect for those roll-out-of-bed days as a freshman headed-to-classnot-worrying-about-what-your-hairmight-be-doing.

She loved it, and I loved giving her a gift she would use. Plus, I bought one for myself. My first monogrammed item EVER. My friends are so proud of their “hippie Colorado friend” that has finally embraced some “Southern-ness,” even if it is just a baby step.

I’ve embraced a lot since I moved here, not just monograms and sweet tea. I began this Pinterest quest two and a half years ago not really sure what would happen. I didn’t know if I would really ever succeed in any of my endeavors since I’m very honestly terrible at cooking and crafts.

Some things definitely crashed and burned (I’m looking at you, “cook your grilled cheese in the toaster” and “make your own outdoor waterbed”), but the majority of my tests and trials have ended with relative success. I’ve gained some knowledge, made some delicious and/or cute things and bought some amazing gifts. I baked my heart out and suffered through tasting all those delicious recipes for you, dear friends. It was a sacrifice that my growing backside and I were willing to take.

The thing is, I really learned so much more than just how to frost Elmo cupcakes or make a special frame for my daughter’s artwork. I made friends. I strengthened connections. I learned that making something and giving it as a gift is way more fun than just buying someone a gift card.

There’s a joke meme about Pinterest:

“When I win the lottery, I just have to show my chef, trainer, travel agent, personal stylist, contractor and interior designer my Pinterest board.” That’s true – what a fun way to spend some new found wealth! When I joined the social site almost five years ago, you still had to be “accepted” by the creators, and in that time I’ve pinned a LOT. Looking through pins has gotten me through a scary pregnancy and the joy that followed, planning a wedding, becoming a teacher, almost losing my dad to a heart attack one month and then to cancer the next. It’s taught me how to cook new recipes, and that itself is a pure miracle. I learned how to make wreaths and create cool lessons for my students. If I need to zone out and look at pretty things, I just head to my app.

I’ve received kind e-mails from readers that have made me smile and be grateful – letting me know you tried one of my wins and had a win yourself. I can’t tell you how much those quick exchanges have meant to me.

The most important thing about this column about Pinterest has been that it got me back into writing again – something my heart needed desperately. And for that, I will be eternally grateful. Thank you, friends, and happy Pinning! It truly is a good life.

Mandy Byrd is a teacher at Airline High School and a business owner originally from Colorado.

She is mother to Gracie and wife to her handsome devil-of-a-man, Eric.

Send Pinterest ideas and comments to Mandy at [email protected].

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