‘Tis the season for more dairy retail ads. Conventional and organic dairy ad numbers increased by 13 and 23 percent, respectively. Conventional ice cream, in 48- to 64-ounce containers, is the most advertised dairy item this week. The most ads in the organic section were for milk half-gallon bottles, which had an average advertised price was $4.35, resulting in a $2.36 organic premium compared to conventional half-gallons, averaging $1.99.

Cheese ad numbers were steady week to week. The most advertised cheese item was conventional 8-ounce shreds with an average advertised price of $2.24, down a quarter from last week. Conventional Cream cheese ad numbers shifted higher by 87 percent, as retailers push the seasonal staple ahead of the holidays.

Conventional butter ads increased 25 percent, but organic butter ads slid by 44 percent. Conventional 1-pound butter has an average advertised price of $3.09, while organic butter’s average price is $5.49, an organic premium of $2.40. Milk ads, on the conventional side, moved higher by 11 percent, while organic milk ad numbers pushed up 24 percent.

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