Black History Month began as a “Negro History Week” in 1926.
and historian Carter G. Woodson chose the second week in February, as
it contained the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, to
bring awareness to African Americans’ role in shaping U.S. history.
President Gerald Ford decreed Black History Month a national observance
in 1976.
This annual
celebration is a time of pride, but what does Black History Month mean
today? Some black leaders share their thoughts:
History Month will always mean honoring the prominent figures of our
past, but we put them on the back burner … and rightfully so in 2019.
Instead, we put present-day heroes at the forefront. In this time of
division and turmoil, we chose to encourage, promote and reveal the
black men and women who are becoming new examples of #blackexcellence.
Without social media we wouldn’t have such easy, immense access to one
another and would have to rely on yet another textbook tale of Martin
Luther King Jr. or George Washington Carver to get us through the month.
I’m so happy to have the opportunity to see how we’re moving the
culture forward in real time.”
— Christine Michel Carter, parenting author, speaker and consultant
History Month is so important to me because it’s a time dedicated to
shining a light on black culture and achievements, which are too often
ignored during the rest of the year. Some people turn their noses up at
Black History Month, but until our society acknowledges the
contributions of all cultures, this focused time to highlight our
achievements and inspire and educate our youth is essential.”
— Crystal Swain-Bates, children’s author and diversity advocate
with being a time to celebrate the accomplishments of our ancestors,
Black History Month is a reminder of our duty to be great. It reminds us
of the struggles we’ve overcome, and highlights struggles we still have
to conquer. It’s a yearly remembrance of the strength, wisdom and
courage it took to go from being the least valued in society to being
the heads of companies, industries and even the nation itself. Black
History Month confirms and reminds me that I can do anything.”
— Sean Hampton, producer at Bentkey Ventures
is an African proverb that says, ‘Until the lion tells the story, the
hunter will always be the hero.’ In today’s political and societal
climate, rife with lies of omission, collusion, intimidation and
‘alternative facts,’ celebrating and sharing our stories, our struggles
and our accomplishments has never been more important. I would love to
see more active efforts to provide interactive and expansive
programming for children during the month that goes beyond the
narratives of Martin, Malcolm and Rosa.”
— Michelle Person, founder of Just Like Me Books and elementary school principal in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District
multiracial child I constantly faced adversity growing up. Being
raised in a small rural city with my Caucasian family in a
predominantly Caucasian community, I looked different compared to
everyone else. When I went to visit my African American family in the
urban city, I acted different compared to everyone else. This adversity
shaped me into the resilient leader I am today. Now as a multiracial
female entrepreneur, Black History Month to me is the celebration and
appreciate the many generations of African Americans that faced
adversity before me to pave the way for me!” — Ashley Baier, owner and
founder of Recovery Athletics
History Month is a necessity; it counteracts the 11 months in the year
that our history/legacy is diminished, tainted, manipulated and/or
erased altogether.”
— Nadia Stanley, television producer and author of “I Know Why You’re Single, Sis!”
the black fearless leaders who made opportunities for African
Americans possible, I would not be where I am today. Our history
reminds me to fight for what I believe in and to work even harder than
others would. Most importantly, black history reminds me to always
stick with love.”
— Baylie Robinson, author of “Life Lessons College Failed to Teach You”
me, Black History Month represents an opportunity for all, not just
African Americans or black Americans, to learn about and appreciate the
numerous contributions of African Americans in America. Specifically,
it’s a time to talk about African Americans within a context that
doesn’t always involve the topics of slavery, the slave trade or such.
African Americans have contributed to every aspect of American culture,
and although often not credited for those influences throughout most of
the year, Black History Month is one small but necessary step toward
righting that disservice and lack of recognition.”
— Ayanna Julien, managing editor at