Center for Teen Empowerment Executive Director Abrigal Forrester.
just 21 years old, Abrigal Forrester was sentenced to 10 years in
prison. Even though he was a firsttime offender, his decade-long
incarceration was due to a mandatory minimum sentence.
Forrester now leads a completely different life. Following his release, he spent 18 years in nonprofit youth development work.
he is the executive director of the Center for Teen Empowerment, an
organization that helps low-income teenagers inspire their urban
communities and advocate for change. Forrester helps these teenagers
recognize their self-worth and envision crime-free communities.
concept of teen empowerment that we use … which is really having young
people thinking about their values and beliefs … is actually the process
I personally went through,” said Forrester.
He was forced to confront his set of values after time in prison — values that he had acquired in order to survive.
adopted what I consider to be a street-corner value system,” said
Forrester. These values eventually led Forrester down a bad path, he
Teens in
low-income, crime-ridden environments often face severe trauma.
Forrester said that many kids are responding to things that aren’t their
“You’re just
really rolling with your emotions,” he said. The Center for Teen
Empowerment helps these teenagers assess possible strategies to avoid
rash decisions.
of the keys is giving them this space, and asking them to take the time
to think,” said Forrester. The young people are told to “take a step
back … and let’s look at what’s happening in your life, in your
community, from a 40,000-foot view.”
teenagers gain a clearer perspective, they can recognize the systemic
issues that disproportionately affect their community. They can also
look at policies to advocate against, said Forrester.
main thing we do is hire youth to unpack their own personal challenges,
and then identify what are the issues that are impacting the community
that they live in,” he said.
instance, the teenagers take a deeper look at mental health and trauma.
It’s a big issue for them, said Forrester, and there are many issues
that subsequently compound this trauma.
people at Teen Empowerment also look at criminal justice reform, said
Forrester, and how the juvenile justice system is impacting youth.
Pollack started the Center for Teen Empowerment in 1992. The center’s
mission was to facilitate disagreements between different populations,
said Forrester, as gangs ran rampant throughout the city. The center
focused on youth intervention and violence reduction.
the center has branches in Boston, Somerville and Rochester, New York.
More than 120 young people are involved in hundreds of social
initiatives, amounting to 5,000 community leaders participating in
peace-building efforts.
concept is paying young people to work on themselves and to look at the
issues that are impacting their communities,” said Forrester. He later
added, “They’re paid to be peer influencers … which allows them to go
back to the communities that they come from … and organize events and
activities to educate, make aware and make action — positive action.”
Center for Teen Empowerment hosts various events to promote outreach.
Forrester said that he’s currently working on a peace conference to kick
off the summer. The peace conference is a compilation of events by the
Center’s performing arts initiative. The performances encourage
self-expression and inform the community about issues that impact youth.
Forrester, who took on the executive director role in 2019, has big plans for the center’s future.
we hope to do, really, is to expand and partner with agencies that do
great work (with) positive youth development,” he said. That includes
partnering with local communities as well as regional expansion.
of the goals, he says, is to “think about, ‘How do we move ourselves to
be a nationally-based organization?’” For now, the Center for Teen
Empowerment will focus on giving young people a voice. With this voice,
they can implement strategies and transform their communities.
“Those who are closest to the problems are the ones who understand the solutions,” Forrester said.