What do you think it would take to stop police from shooting unarmed blacks? I don’t know. It’s been going on for years now. We need to start policing ourselves. Jamal Abdal-Khallaq
Building Manager Roxbury Hopefully, putting people of color into more positions where they can change laws. There’s no accountability. Umar Shabazz
Retired Dorchester Better training and more officers from the black community who aren’t so afraid of us. They need to realize that we’re just as human as they are. We need better relations between police and the community. William Brinson
Security Dorchester They need to change the laws to hold the police more accountable. Valerie Williams
Home Health Aide Roxbury It’s going to take better training. Police officers need to be more compassionate. They’ve got stereotypes of blacks and there’s a lot of fear that goes along with that. Russell Holloway
Chef Quincy They need more diverse cops. There are not a lot in Boston. Johnny Duran
Student Roxbury See also