What are the most significant changes you’ve seen in Boston during the time you’ve live here? 
There’s been a lot of new construction in the community. I’d say there’s a lot more racism since the current idiot has been in the White House. Dee
Cafeteria Worker Boston 
I’ve lived here five years. They’ve changed the MBTA buses, but the service hasn’t gotten better. OG
Student Roxbury 
A lot of new buildings. More offices and condos. But there’s still homeless people. Not much to help them. Ed Halloway
Entrepreneur Charlestown 
There are a lot of different cultures. I’m from Dorchester. I grew up around black people. Now it’s really mixed — Spanish, white, Somali. Punch Leon
Manufacturing Dorchester 
There are more jobs and there’s less pollution than when I grew up. Crime is down. Overall, you see positive changes. Kimel Williams
Maintenance South End 
Greed. Utilities cost more. Everything costs more now. Ricardo Sulgis
Retired Dorchester See also