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This month in CityLife
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CityLife July/August 2014
Cover model: Brittney Trahan is the mother of two and a teacher in Caddo Parish..

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Editor’s Note
Each month, there’s an underlining theme to some of the stories within each issue. This issue will be out on stands for two months, and, with that in mind, I thought about the substance. Two-month combos are usually the most challenging because of the longevity on stands.

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Pregnant Like a Pro
While I am on my second pregnancy, Foster carried six girls – Addison (15), Savannah (13), Camille (11), Gabrielle (9), Saxony (9) and Mary Katherine (7) – over the course of five pregnancies (one set of twins). She was pregnant from 1998 to 2007, adding up to 45 months total of being pregnant.

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Donna Poimboeuf, owner of Doctor’s Lab, was always interested in science. “I went into the health field because it always came naturally to me, it was interesting, and there was security in it,” she said.”I was originally pre-med, but decided though I liked the idea of being in the medical field, I wanted to stay more behind the scenes.

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Sun Safety
Now, we are taught at an early age that too much sun exposure is bad as overexposure can cause sunburns and/or lead to skin cancer. In fact, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 90 percent of all skin cancers are caused by sun exposure.

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IN FOCUS: Advertiser Spotlight | University Veterinary Hospital
We all know bad breath when we smell it, but halitosis is not normal, even for your pet. Don’t discount your pet’s breath. There may be disease lurking in those gums.” says Dr. Catherine Foret. “University Veterinary Hospital wants you to know the frightening part of oral disease is that it doesn’t just affect the mouth.

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Summertime Lagniappe
In Colorado, it meant hikes, bikes and escaping the (yes, dry) heat of the lower areas by retreating into the snappy mountain air. In Southern California, I spent as much time lounging on the beach as possible. Minnesota summers are all about hitting the lake.

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A Safe Season
• Always lock your car when it’s empty so children can’t get in without you knowing. On a day that is just 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside a car can increase by 30 to 40 degrees in an hour, and 70 percent of this increase can occur within the first 30 minutes.

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Making a Splash
One of the things I love most about our home is the kitchen. Most of the older homes in our area have galley kitchens meaning they are small in space and limited to the most common upgrades you frequently see. Our kitchen, however, is very open. This was one of the main reasons we were drawn to the home when we were house hunting.

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Renewed Again
“What was not easy was cramming my adult life into my childhood bedroom,” Smith said. “I tried editing, donating and garage sales, but, still had entirely too much. ‘Overflow’ would be an understatement. Not to mention, nothing had changed in almost 40 years and everything had to go.

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Summer Lovin’
It’s no secret that the Shreveport Farmers Market is more than a great place to shop for local produce. The Market Café area at the Shreveport Farmers Market, where hungry shoppers can stop in for authentic Mexican cuisine, locally roasted coffees and teas, fresh beignets and more has become a destination in and of itself.

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Jo Eddins, information and assistance specialist for the Caddo Council on Aging, will celebrate her 90th birthday in July and isn’t slowing down. Eddins stays busy and active in the community aside from her work. For almost two decades, Eddins has worked at the council.

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Amy Kinnaird, president of UnCommon Sense Marketing, has a great deal of satisfaction in working with her clients. Serving as the go-to marketing expert for the Pop Up Project, she finds herself working with several local small businesses. Kinnaird values time with her family and is quick to turn down anything that interrupts quality time with them.

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The Knockoffs
However, through re-sale, these indelible brand-name items achieve immortality, and shoppers receive a prized piece of the fashion world for a fraction of the cost. While high-end consignment shops and vintage stores carry their share of luxe goods, the Internet has quickly become the fastest way to source the gently used accessory of your dreams.

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If you work for a boss, then you owe them solid time. You can’t cut that out. You can, however, cut out television time, meetings and anything else that gets in the way of achieving your goals. Replace entertainment with activity toward your goal..

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Owning Your Own Business
“In some ways, I find that being a female in this industry is actually an advantage,” Richard said. “Many people assume that women are better equipped to multitask, are more detail oriented, and can empathize with all sorts of different demographics a little easier.

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In a ‘Man’s World’
Candy Smith-Jett said her father made her learn how to change oil and tires when she was young. Now she runs their family business, Smith’s Towing & Recovery in Bossier City located at 3220 Barksdale Blvd. in Bossier City, that her grandfather opened in 1952.

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Hard-to-grow plants
With her husband’s recent passing, Parker continues their collection, which amounts to over 1,000 orchids blooming year round. She said she wanted to keep growing them even without her husband because it’s a hobby that is very important to her. She also has plenty of what she refers to as “orchid friends” who keep her involved.

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Pinnacle of SucceSS
Over the past 14 years, Salter has managed to earn an undergraduate degree in business administration and organizational management and a master’s of business administration degree and has steadily moved up the ladder from beverage server on a...

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Active iN ScHOOL
As a parent of a soonto-be first grader, during my son’s kindergarten year, I admit that I found myself overbearing and overprotective. This first year of school taught me many things. Just as my son was learning how to attend school, I was learning how to be a parent of a schoolaged child.

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NeW School
Be prepared that your child may struggle with the change. Children react differently to different situations, but you know your child best. Practice ahead of time. This can help your child become familiar with a new situation or obstacle that may arise.

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Stick with the BASicS
Are you someone that gets overwhelmed with school supply shopping before the start of each school year? Or are you someone that could camp out on the supply isles and loves braving the last-minute rush of excited parents and students crowding the isles at the store?.

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Foods that taste fresh, perhaps served cool, are the summertime ticket, and to me nothing screams that louder than citrus. It just sounds refreshing. Citrus is in the height of readiness this time of year, and putting that to use will be rewarded in the form of great taste.

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Rich TAble
A farm to table culinary experience, with Shreveport native Sarah Rich and her husband and partner Evan of San Francisco’s Rich Table paired art and food, was the monthly UNSCENE! event June 20. Produced by the Shreveport Regional Arts Council, Shreveport’s Municipal Memorial Auditorium played host to the successful event.

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For the second year, the pecan orchards at The Oaks of Louisiana played host to the tasty Shreveport Green fundraiser FEAST! on June 12. The event featured a menu of delectable foods grown or raised here in Shreveport-Bossier City, including everything from the blue crab-crusted catfish to the butter for the bread.

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Komen Brunch
The Southern Belle Survivor Brunch was the theme of the annual Susan G. Komen event June 14 at East Ridge Country Club. Some of the attendees were 25-year breast cancer survivors. Dr. Julie Mook recognized them.